Wednesday, September 24, 2008


So, hey, enough doom and gloom for a little while.

Exciting news: the mister and I are headed to St. Croix in the Virgin Islands for a week. We leave Saturday morning.

I am super excited. We’re hoping to do some scuba-ing, some snorkeling, some fishing, some hiking, some lolling around in the sunshine, and plenty of relaxing.

My parents, world travelers that they are, have a time share. My senior year of college they gave me a week in Mazatlan and two of my roommates and I spent that week boogie boarding, swimming, and goofing off. We didn’t actually do the go-out-and-get-hammered route much because (1) Mazatlan spring break traffic sucks, and; (2) we were so tired from days playing in the ocean that we just wanted to hang out at the hotel.

My parents repeated their gift for my brother during his senior (well, senior-ish) year of college – he and his buddies went to Acapulco for a week. I think the boys partied much harder than my girls and I did.

My parents gave the mister and I this week in the Virgin Islands because the mister and I didn’t really have a honeymoon.

We were dead broke after paying for the wedding and my barely working for 3 months while I studied for the bar, so we just packed up our new tent and headed for the North Shore.

We ended up having to come home early because a wicked storm blew one of our maple trees onto our roof.

So, out of pity (and probably because this was a use-it-or-lose-it week) my folks gave us a week in the Virgin Islands.

If ever there was a time I needed a vacation, this is it. So, yay!