Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I am still rocking the writer's block and nursing a deep-seated hatred of any time spent in front of a computer screen after the 40 hours I spend in front of one at work.  But I've been out and about and remembered my camera, so here are some recent pictures.

Feeding the new lambs on the in-laws' farm.  Ignore my double chin.
Feeding the new lambs

The mister competed in a mountain bike race and did fabulously right up until the bike broke.
Mountain Bike Race

You can't see where it broke because it was COVERED in mud.
Mountain Bike Race

My younger brother taking the mister's 30 year old moped for a spin.  He's single, ladies, and does his own laundry!
My brother

Artemesia in my garden.

The mister and I took a stroll at Minnehaha Creek.
Walking at Minnehaha Creek

We brought the dog.
Walking at Minnehaha Creek

We also brought him on a bike ride.
Taking the dog for a bike ride

Taking the dog for a bike ride

I learned to spin yarn on my new spinning wheel.  (I'm still learning.  I suck.)
My Second Handspun

And I knit.
Traveling Woman Shawl

Tappan zee


Pickles and Dimes said...

Ooh, that yarn is so pretty!

I love that blue shawl - great job!

Sweetaimee81 said...

I love minnehaha. Your spinning looks a bit better then when I tryed. I call it my rope instead of yarn lol looks great though keep it up I am excited to see the progress

rjsams said...

Your spinning looks great! How's the new wheel?