Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I like fall. It heralds winter, which I’m not a fan of. I mean, I like winter until about New Year’s and then I’m over it and ready for warm temperatures again. Fall, as the precursor to winter, often makes me sort of depressed. And stuffy due to the amazing amount of pollen zipping around the universe.

Plus, on days like today, when the world is gray and drizzly and chilly, nothing sounds more appealing than lounging in my pajamas with a cup of hot tea and a trashy book.

But I like fall. I like turtlenecks and skirts with knee-high boots and digging my scarves out of storage. I like crisp days and being able to drink hot coffee without breaking a sweat. I like playing in the leaves and putting my garden to bed and knitting without cursing the heavy wool in my lap. I like not having to wash my hair every day (summer = greasy hair = daily wash; fall = cooler = every other day shampoo) and not having to shave my legs as often.

Winter demands long rests. It’s cold, it gets dark early, and it often seems that the best thing to do in the winter is spend time relaxing, reading, hanging out with friends, and taking it easy.

But fall? It demands that you get out and enjoy it before you get locked away all winter. Take the dog for a long walk, spend time in the garden, enjoy the cooler weather with a long bike ride. I like fall.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you. Fall is wonderful!